This really is a collection of almost all of Nautilus Pompilus' best songs from the early classical period of his career. This isn't the first time, though, that they sound together, but in one...

This really is a collection of almost all of Nautilus Pompilus' best songs from the early classical period of his career. This isn't the first time, though, that they sound together, but in one collection they recall the somber, though not hopeless, 80's. Unfortunately this release, published by "Best Songs," is by far not the best. The descriptions of the songs don't always correspond to the tracks and there is no accompanying background information- just a couple of archive photos and song lyrics is all the legendary group seemed to get from the publisher. But probably that worries few people- this music will always satisfy anyone who has any sort of connection to it at all.

По материалам: www.zvuki.ru

29.04.2000, Анна АРУТЮНЯН (ЗВУКИ РУ)

НАУТИЛУС ПОМПИЛИУС - свежие публикации:

  • Анонс - Всплытие покажет, 30.03.2009
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