The story of Bravo began in 1983 when Yevgenii Khavtan, then a first year student of the Moscow Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineering, arrived for an audition to the musicians of the group Postscriptum, then led by Garik Sukachev. The musicians didn't really make any impression on Khavtan, and he didn't make any impression on them. The only person that interested Khavtan then was the drummer Pavel Kusin, who by that point already played "rather energetically and very masterfully." But the "union" still took place. Yevgenii tried to lead the group away from the style they had adopted: from one that combined art-rock and hard-rock to something that was, in his opinion, more progressive. Moreover, the new guitarist didn't like the bass player, and soon Sergei Britchenkov (author of the text for the song "I Believe") was replaced by bass-guitarist Karen Sarkisov, whom Khavtan had brought in himself. For a short time the new ensemble (Garik Sukachev, Yevgenii Khavtan,…
1984 – Концерт группы "Браво" в ДК "Мосэнерготехпром". В разгар выступления на сцену ворвалась милиция.Музыкантам пришлось писать объяснительныезаписки по поводу того, кто организовывал их выступление, как и где распространялись билеты. аррестовать всех участников ансамбля не смогли. Но больше всех… »»
Ник Завриев, музыкант, популяризатор редкой электроники, журналист и продюсер, выпустил нетипичный для себя релиз в стиле краут-рок. От нежных и мелодичных треков - к математической монотонности, строгой логике структурированности и главенству разумного над чувственным.